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I can't tell what I wish EA and all their employees, but its not a friendly wish, I can say


I always use untradeable rewards and never trade, so I was hoping for this SBC, since I made Hemp FS back in time and wouldn't be able to buy her TOTS. I saved so many Fodder, that I instantly finished Kelly. I don't care if she is meta or overpriced, I like her and Hemps cards since the beginning and I always play with players I like. Since EA killed FIFA, I only play for 7 rivals wins and no WL anymore... anyway I'm in Div3 with very low effort. Its sad anyways, I play FIFA since 98 and UT since 2013 and this year is by far the worst... I wish you all good packluck and gameplay!!


I tested him yesterday in 10 rivals matches (Div4) and some friendlies with my friends - he played as a cdm and a cm, Shadow was the chemstyle, played on full chem. His short passes where great, he also is very strong at corners and his physical presence on the field is nice, the low stamina wasn't a downer for me, but it take some time to get used to him. I tried out some other midfielders before, like Kante Evo, Tchoumanie Rad-Evo, Alaba WW, Goretzka WW, Laimer RTTK and many more, but Stones is really better ig, but like I said, it took some time to get used to him - 8.5/10 imo


I used her gold, packed the TS and made the FS, but this one will be too expensive, cuz I never trade and always choose untradeable ones, but since Kelly isnt there, i hope for an Kelly TOTS SBC. I saved all fodder just for her, emotional aspect. Div3 btw.


I have a fulltime job, two kids, a wife and surely better things to do than playing FIFA all day lol but yeah feel sorry for me


I've done her and she is really nice. It was a emotional SBC, cuz Alex was the first woman, I followed when it cames to female football and I still like her passion and presence on the pitch <3


happy that he is cheap af, so I can try him for fun (Div3) - a REAL MADRID legend, I'll never forget the matches with him and Ramos, best CB duo imo <3


In 10 years of UT, this will be maybe the best card I've ever packed period ****radeable for sure), but this year was wild for me with TOTY Xavi, TOTY Dias, Mbappe (Gold) and some other sick cards - I packed over 10 Icons (4 out of picks) this year, in 10 years before, I packed 0 Icons and only one TOTY... Iniesta, back in time. EA put all my not used luck into this year and even if I don't play WL (cuz I have no time), I always got my 7 wins and play in Div3 as a "more casual" player - you can achieve everything, I wish everyone the BEST pack luck and as much wins as you need - STOPTOXIC!


I swear, the best CB I've used this year. He is so strong and after the Evo even better. Score at least one goal after a corner and feels like a agile Tank, I like him even more than my TOTY Dias. Div3.


I wait since I saw she will be in the TOS and I was hoped for an SBC, cuz I'm very poor and don't trade and always choose untradeable rewards, but I got a ton of fodders ready :D


just use cards you like lol I bet someone of my squad is outdated but im still in Div3 lol


its just like a review lol, i miss the old futbin without these griddy kids here who downvotes everyone...


I swear, if I would be a millionair, i would buy EA and fire everyone, then I would pay the Mafia to destroy all employees. Thats a ****ing mess. Pure hate.


Not meta at this stage of the game? Sure, but I don't care - I like him irl and I've done him and - suprise - I still can win in Div4 with a fun squad.


yeah, I thought they will bring more honorable mention cards or sth and now they came up with useless heroes, who are only fodders...


a card like this in FIFA 14 and we all would ERUPT... nowadays... nothing special.


I just made him, cuz its a fun card and at least, I just want to play this game for fun, not for the meta... yeah, more than Div4 isn't possible for me atm, but its okay, I rather play for fun without the cutback-high-pressure-stuff than go full meta and use players, I don't really like.


My packluck this year is insane, hands down... I play UT since FIFA 14 and I never packed anything really good (only Iniesta TOTY back in the years), but this year, I packed Ruben Dias TOTY, VDS TS, Carlos Alberto, Hemp TS, Rodrygo RTTKS (or TOTGS, dunno what type of card it is exactly) and now this guy out of a 77+ (3x) pack (from the crafting upgrade)... sure, all untradeable, but it seems EA want me to play... and I hate it.


I don't care bout the SBC price, got a ton of fodders and since I only play with players I've packed (or got cheap at the beginning), I will made this SBC - I love Beckham <3


thank god I hold on emotional players and dont put them into SCBs <3


him next to VVD is just awesome (Div4) - I tried out many other CBs and played a very long time with Cordoba, but needed a french CB from the Bundesliga for chemistry, so I tried out Upa first, but Simakan is way way better - just a cheap beast :)


I feel it the complete different way... his short passes are amazing, but he is not a "nobrainer" imo, you need to look in the right direction and "plan" passes a bit more... I dunno how to explain it (but I won't say you had a skill issue, cuz I hate this toxic bs).


EA made billions and cant even serve stable servers, i hope they die


I've choosen him and he is a absolute beast as a CDM, the only downside is his stamina. I love these EFL Youngstars and used Ryan Sessegnon back in time (must be UT 2016 or 2017, if im right). I play in Div3 and he plays as a CDM, next to Kroos RTTF and Beckham FS (since I use Kelly TOTS on the Wing).


A FIFA Legend! Back when the game was fun and not a complete mess


overpriced? yes! better options on the market? yes! low stamina for a cdm? yes! i'm to lazy to switch him ig? yes! i will do him anyway, cuz I love Stones and he was always a beast for me in the past? YES!


Wll try her and Maroszan too, love to try out stuff than stuck with players... miss the old times where fitness squads was for testing and you came up against different teams


I've done him, cuz he was some of the beasts I used back in time and since I want a more fun squad, I let him play over some meta-players. I'm in Div4, I go out 8-10 wins at the WL... so its okay to have some fun for me - sadly most of the players use the same players, but its a nice feeling destroy a Mbappe, Eusebio. Ginola, Futre and Di Natale squad with such a fun squad <3


sadly not as good as his former OP cards (like the Showdown last year) D:


I used Havertz WW, Mendy Gold, Capdevila Evo, Bacha and some others as LB and everyone has his downs and ups. Mendy is a well-rounded solution and seems cracked for me, Capdevila is also well-rounded but more defensive, meanwhile Havertz is just a tank, with great strength and height + nice speed with Shadow or Hunter - I love all of them, just try out players and find the best one for yourself. <3


I cant wait for the upgrade, this guy is a machine for me, better than Virgil and also useable as a fullback - im in div4 ^^


when you only focus on meta, I always use a fun team with untradeables and still can win in Div4, but I bet all above Div4 is full of Mbappes and stuff (I mean, Div4 is already full of them) xD


I packed him tradeable, hold on him and I'm very happy. I used Capdevilas Evo before, Bompastor (both versions) and some others, but this guy is a beast - the playstyles are the game changers imo!


I played over 600 games with him and he is still in my starting eleven (Div3). He can defend, he can pass and he have a sick acceleration + shooting from distance (yeah, I'm still a long shot merchant and will ever be). I used Hawk, Shadow and Anchor on him, Hawk was the best for me.


14k for a player like this is unreal, he feels so cracked for me (Div4)... outruns most defenders, can score goals from everywhere and very strong on the ball.


EA FC 24 - Rating (predicted)

PAC 96 SHO 75

PAS 78 DRI 85

DEF 80 PHY 82

86 OVR


Tried her out for 10 games in Div3 - 8 goals and 12 assists. She feels so good on the ball and her shots are incredible, only downside is her stamina, but thats okay. I tested her as a CAM and a ST, worked at both positions


I packed him and since I love these little beast cards, I will use him next to Muriel instead of my standard players - we need more fun in UT <3


absolute beast, I use him next to Lahm and I tried out some others before (played a long time with Evo Kante and RA Tchouameni), but Laimer is a pure beast... dunno why he is so cheap (I play in Div4 and my squad isn't bad at all imo, for a non meta player) ^^


and let me guess: my gameplay will be worse and incosistent too? I hope so (and I know its just a fake account) xD


it took me some time to know how to play with him (got him untradeable and I try to use all of the good ones) and now he is a important part of my team. his dribbling is insane, his shoots and passes too, he feel very good on the ball. the only downside is his low phy, but when you know that, its a very nice card.


its just pure luck and totally random, I play UT since 2013 and my best card was Iniesta TOTY until this year, where I've packed Dias TOTY, Kroos RTTF, Gold Mbappe and many more - I just grind like hell, have done over 400 pps, always the daily gold upgrade and also the known gamble packs like the 83+x10... but yeah, I know how you feel - god bless we got at least some decent SBCs over the year


oh god, I love futbin for these infos, cuz im too lazy for getting them and I saved around 50+ cards over 88+ just for Kelly


she is really good - i always try any card out i pack untradeable, she is a solid striker, nothing special ^^


so many ppl talk bout power curve and stuff and I still have no probs in Div3 with Kante 91 (FB) and some other, maybe outdated players (Lahm Base or Kelly Evo or Hemp FS or Rodrygos TOTGS card)... and I see also many teams with identical or even lower cards lol. Just play the game and dont give af on the meta and stuff, important is HOW YOU play with the cards you have! I wish all good luck at rewards! <3


good for a player like me, who don't have time for WL and don't buy points - I'm in Div4 and only use untradeables or cheaper cards + SBC cards.


same here, why I should quit the last games when I can give wins? Idc if its ok or not, its for my karma storage.


My ideas for the next EA FC (UT-Mode, the other modes will be ignored anyway):

  • more than one active Evo + the option to cancel Evos, if you want
  • lock players, so you don't use them by accident in SBCs or stuff (when they don't are in your main team)
  • if someone quit at a draw, you will get a win and not nothing
  • made 1-2 special evos who cost coins or points, but made more Evos who are free so everyone can use them
  • reduce the SBC requirements, specially for TOTW cards, cuz no one play these cards actually, they are only used for SBCs

just a few ideas


Hemp FS feels slower than my Kelly Evo, but Saint-Maximin feels also slower than Kelly TOTS. I miss the times, where we saw 90+ PAC and we knowed they will be fast af... Doumbia, Musa, Ibarbo, Pabon, Chavez... my HEROS!


the inconsistent gameplay is the main reason, I lost all the fun... I have no probs to come up against these meta squads (Div4 atm), but it sucks, that the gameplay change every day or every evening after a few games, even with the exact same ping...


easily one of my all-time-favorite cards (includes her Evo) ever (and I play UT since FIFA 14) - when she got a TOTS (with Hemp) I will sold my whole club for Lauren and Chloe <3


sure the first high rated Icon I pack is van Nistelrooy as a GK xD


Same bro!! Finished her already!


yeah, the gameplay is bs for weeks now lol, even if I win, i'm not happy at all lol


I think so, I'm at Level 25 atm xD


sometimes it is just like that, I love Alonso Golazo 93 and Kroos RTTF and use both in Div 1 without any problems, but ppl dont really like them - idc, just use players you like and you can play with :) I saw ppl in Div 1 with gold players or "mid"-players (ppl who use stuff like "mid" would say they are mid) and they havent any prob.


I still use him in Div4 next to Kane TOTGS and he is awesome - very good striker, with nice playstyles (power header, trivela) and always on the right place when Kelly and Hemp ballin' out the crosses <3


I'm in Div3 atm lol... I play UT since 2013/14 and always played like this... I got Kroos RTTF, some Icons, Mbappe (Gold) and some more. You get so much packs from objectives, Rewards and stuff + SBCs, so its not hard to play with players you've packed without spending any money lol


I got endless luck this year and im only div 2 and dont play WL and always choose untradeable rewards - got most of my expensive players out of the dupe exchange or PP, like Gold Mbappe, TOTY Dias, RTTF Kroos, Maximin TOTS or Desailly - seems EA recognize I pause often and dont play as much ive done back in 2014-2018 lol

Wish you more pack luck mate and no toxic opponents :)))


Dynamic POV: You are 3:2 in front, its 90.+4 and your opponent made a last attack


I don't know how, but her and Zanetti carried me to Div2 in the last two days. For me, it is a Milestone. I was in the first league/high division back in time around 2014-2016, then only up to Div3 max, but I play very casual, just get my 7 wins, no weekend leagues and stuff, only 10-12 games per week, so I'm happy and can tell, you can reach higher Divs even when you play casual and not that much + without spending any cent beside the games price (I got in on a sale in November).


I will try him out - looks like a good old beast card for me


"useless" lol I never choose tradeable rewards or trade, so I use cards I've packed untradeable and this card is one of them - the chance for me to get a Kroos TOTS card is under 0,0000001%

but hey, its only Div3 and I play casual since EA destroyed the game I love back in time (2013-2018).


can approve, he is really good on the pitch, same for Stones btw (I play in Div4 - sad that you forced to note that in every comment, cuz ppl spamming Div10)


same, same... the match making is still bull**** and I dunno why they adjust/fix it, so you came up against equal teams or - better - equal players (with the same skill as you). I play UT since 2014 and I ask myself every year, why I still play this game and I can't give myself an answer... its like a drug, but weed made me chill, this game made me RAGE.


this + sometimes when I start a attacking run, two players run so near to each other until they collide lol and this happens at least once per game... I hate it.


her 90 evo replaces so many other cards - easily the fastest card i've used this year and I don't know why, even my Hemp FS feels slower and she got more pace.


my totgs Kane outpaces so many players and I even dunno why...


I would say everyone is toxic - im from Germany and I never dm anyone or do toxic stuff (including no cutbacks), but when anyone does toxic stuff to me, I do the same for sure.


I will never forget the good old days, where I run a 4321 with his IF (86 back in the days) next to Tevez IF (must be FIFA 14-16, if I'm right) - since I have his gold untradeable and loved him, I've done this SBC, cuz I got a ton of fodders and no real use for them (not so much that I would be able to do the icon sbcs or something + I got not much coins, because I just play with untradeables out of rewards)... :D


I made him, cuz he was a beast back in time, but sadly he doesn't feel good for me... even with Hunter. Kane TOTGS got a Hunter too and feels way faster... its always the same with this game lol


Me: "I want Doumbia!"

Mom: "We have Doumbia at home!"

Doumbia at home:


I used Neymar, Hemp TB, Pires TB and many more, but this guy is different. I got him untradeable and thought he is just a L, but his dribbling + finesse is really sick.


Was not really class as a RB for me, but as a CDM, he is a machine.


I saved fodder for 3-4 weeks just in hope for this SBC, god bless


FIFA 14-18 was prime FIFA imo, we all run gold and fitness squads, IFs useable for a long time, orange MOTM cards... what a time to be alive


I bought him, cuz I can't play with my Dembele IF or Malcom SD or any other RM atm - he is small and not very strong, but when you get used to him, he is class. Fast, agile, can dribble, can shoot, can pass and for that price, he is just awesome imo :) (Div4)


I can't understand this price... this guy will upgrade, he plays so good and better than Virgil for me + he can also played as RB or LB, where he is also very solid. I'm in Div4 and use him atm as a RB, cuz I want something different than the known-ones like Bacha, Havertz WW or Capdevila Evo - absolut beast + very great at defense work (I don't need a offensive fullback atm)


And all with a life get nothing, nice


What? He plays like a boss for me, I use Hawk instead of Shadow, Div3.


Okay, I must refuse my first comment, it was a skill issue for sure - I used him for more games and he is awesome, even better than Vazquez TOTS live card. Now I understand the price.


one of my club legends, over 500 games, over 400 goals, but it was time to go - we will see us maybe next year <3


Hemp FS and Kelly TOTS + Sorloth TOTS => Goal


this will be the highest worth card I ever packed in 10 years of UT, its untradeable, but its ok


Still one of my fav players (Div3) - plays way better than his stats suggest and for me, he is a UT-Legend. He even performs better than my 93 Alonso or 93 Stanway, the only real downside are his passes.


I hate myself for starting UT shortly after that SBC expired, but I would use her as a LB, since I packed Hemp TB at the beginning.


FINALLY! I still used her normal Evo and she is just awesome! After I was able to upgrade Hemps TS card, I now can also upgrade my Kelly <3


I still use her 90 Evo in Div3, cuz I can't afford this card, because I always choose untradeable rewards and don't trade. I saved so many fodder, in hope her TOTS will be a SBC... I'm easily able to finish around 4-5 88-Squads... come on EA, I need her! Her Evo is still kicking but I want a upgrade.


I packed Cordoba shortly after I began and he is still in my starting 11 - so beastly + nice playstyle (very great at corners)


same in Div4 for me


92 CM with Powerhouse - sick passing, sick defending, easy to link, endless stamina and all for free? I'll take it for the FUN


*FIFA 14/15


I swear, this guy is a machine - I bought him yesterday, he gave me 7 wins and scored 18 goals with 4 assists in 12 games in Div4... bet it would be over 25 goals but I hitted the post/cross a few times and they nerfed trivela a bit :D


I need to comment again - I got her untradeable as I began with EA FC (I wanted to make a break, but you guys know how it is, we are in the same boat) and she is still my captain. Her crosses are insane, her speed build up is awesome, she can dribble, she can shoot, trivelas and finesse too, free kicks are sick, corners too... really no real downside beside her height and phy, 10/10 - I use her with FINISHER after I tested nearly every chemstyle out. Hempi <3


he is very nice, defend good, attack good, assist good but yeah, I think everything over 1m is to much but i never trade, so i got never more coins than 500k, but i always pack untradeable high priced cards like him lol xD


He is still in my squad, a absolute monster as a CB and also can score goals, specially after corners. I got Araujo TOTS and tried him out, he is also very good but Desailly (Evo) is still better and since TOTY Dias is my other defender, I can't see I switch one of them out until the end. I play in Division 1.


Hemp is life, but I dont spam only crosses, cuz she is also very good at dribbling and even trivelas :D


37 yo and still kickin, legend


OH YEAH, I've talked with a friend a few days ago that Kelly needs an upgrade and here it is! <3


absolute machine as a CDM for me - feels like good old Kante and the price for the SBC is so low



Normally I can't handle bully forwards, but since I get used to TOTGS Kane, I gave some other bully strikers a chance and decided to give Sorloth a try. I must say, I thought he would be chunky/clumsy and mid, but he isn't. My team suggests that I spam whipped passes (crosses), but I don't do it, only when I got the space, so I use Sorloth as a complete ST who also need to outpace defenders and find the best position - hell...
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I love these EFL Young Player of the Year picks and I remember Sessegnon back in time (must be FIFA 16 to 18), he was a absolute beast. Since I used all my fodder on Kellys TOTS, I have choose to made this pick and took him without looking here. I let him play as a CDM next to Kroos RTTF and Beckham FS. His passes are very sick, he is agile, fast and strong, a well rounded CDM imo. I play in Div3 and for the price, I would ...
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I use Kelly since the beginning, but I will review her Evo here, since the Evo card has no review section - the normal card is awesome too, don't get me wrong.Kelly and Hemp TB are the main parts of my squad since I started with EA FC and they both are still in my team (Div4). Hemp TB was better before the Evo, but after the Evo, Kelly is like a endgame player. I used Rodrygo TOTGS before and Kelly feels s...
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