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Player Review

84 - SIF
Oh no, anyone but Theo
By Dumbfratboy, 16-01-2020

I was excited to get this guy in my WL rewards a few weeks back. French, LB, and stats that are look almost like Kyle Walker.

What could go wrong?

Turns out, just about everything. Running him in a 41212 with Varane to his right and mid Gerrard in front of him, Theo Hernandez is the matador of left backs. As in, strikers and right wingers will just fly right by him. I was shocked as, on paper, this card looks great. But this card is the definition of a paper tiger, and after digging into the stats and watching my own gameplay, it's easy to find out why.

There are 3 real killers to the card. The low base balance (68) means he turns just like Ramos (66 balance), which is death for a wingback when a striker is making a run past him. The low defensive positioning / marking (67) is worse than OVER 300 LEFT BACKS in the game, half of them silvers. Since he can't mark and he can't turn, you'd think he can at least intercept the ball. But 77 interceptions barely puts him in the top 100 for LB in that category. So you have a card that turns like a center back, marks worse than 80% of the SILVER left backs, and intercepts like a silver one. With 73 composure, he's more rattled than you are when Messi gets the ball.

I slapped an anchor on him thinking that boosting those defensive stats and upping his speed would help. But none of that matters if you lose a second or two as he makes the slowest 180 degree turn ever to catch the ball he couldn't intercept. My instructions have him as staying back while attacking, but never fear - he will bomb forward, completely unaware of defensive responsibilities, and give Messi / Bernardo / Mahrez a huge head start in that inevitable counter attack that started when you went up 2-0.

There's a reason this card is never seen in competitively or in the weekend league - he is awful. The only reason i gave him 2 stars is that he can be a decent sub for your tired starting LB and, if you were as unlucky as me, can be dumped into the WL rewards SBC. Take it from me. Save your coins and stick with gold Robertson, Telles, Sandro, Mendy, or Roussillion. After 15 games in Division 3 and on my road to hitting Gold 2, I went back to Robertson and only used Theo again because of the icon swaps, where he just kept conceding on the left. You're better off using almost any gold left back in the game than this absolute fraud.

  • Strength
  • Pace
  • Runs aimlessly like Forerst Gump
  • Marking
  • Turning
  • Scared to defend
Formation: 41212-2
Position: LB
Games: 15
GPG: 0.00
APG: 0.00
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (2/10)
Passing (2/10)
Dribbling (4/10)
Defending (2/10)
Physicality (7/10)
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