arneelwagleFeb 10 1:47 PM
I can't understand why people play this game anymore, atleast the normal people who haven't made this game their job (YT/ insta). There is no reward for playing unless you buy store packs for $50-60 every promo. WL rewards are crazy diluted, earlier red picks gave few decent players in WL rewards, now it's just 2-3 84-85 rated gold cards. They have made all TOTW cards into SBC fodder, earlier you had 2-3 meta players in every TOTW that you could actually use in the team, now there are probably 3-4 in total till Feb. Earlier, Rare Mega packs and Ultimate packs had good weightage, now you get 83-84s from Ultimate pack. EA has screwed the players soo much that you only have to rely on real money to buy extravagant store packs that are the only generously weighted packs in game now. Imagine asking players to pay $50 each week for a game they used to pay $90 for an entire year.
ceroton7Feb 10 4:14 PM
I agree with you. I just finished WL with 6 wins after playing my first 10 and giving away the other 10 (like I do every weekend) and got tradeable base Cafu lol. I’ve seen pro players go 20-0 sweating their balls off just to get 300-400k worth of rewards. The games unfair and dead
Gabriel747Feb 10 5:31 PM
Dont worry , they still make money because of desperate kids and their no life streamers