thanks to him I achieved 16 wins in wl for the first time in many years of FIFA. Yes, I know, I'm not a gaming phenomenon, but guys, what a satisfaction, I can now hang the joypad on the wall :'). Having said that, he is an incredible player, I'm just sorry that he doesn't have a playstyle + for headers and this can be seen in the game, he misses many easy header goals. for my form and way of playing I need that maybe his possible toty has a pl + for headers and then it will be the perfect card. if you are a skiller and don't need much thought, it will be your phenomenon.
Hippihunter69Dec 30 2:26 PM
I honestly don't understand your nonsensical comment... even if it were true? I have a job, a girlfriend, I'm a nice guy, I don't really lack anything, I like playing this game, is this a problem for you? or is it envy? and if so it makes no sense.
Cna11Dec 31 11:57 AM
you lack of understanding