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LUIS SUáREZ - TOTS FIFA 20 Prices and Rating

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Name Luis Suárez
Club club FC Barcelona
Nation nation Uruguay
League league LaLiga Santander
Skills 3
Weak Foot 4
Intl. Rep 5
Foot Right
Height 182cm | 6'0"
Weight 86
Revision TOTS
Att. WR High
Def. WR Med
Origin TOTSSF-LaLiga
B.Type Avg & Normal
Age 37 years old
ID 176580
Club ID 241
League ID 53
Switch view:
Stats First
Graph First
Sprint Speed
Shot Power
Long Shots
FK. Accuracy
Short Passing
Long Passing
Ball Control
Heading Accuracy
Def. Awareness
Standing Tackle
Sliding Tackle
Chem. Style
Base stats
In game stats
AcceleRATE & Chemistry
Top 3 community voted:
Engine: 79%
Catalyst: 11%
Shadow: 3%

Luis Suárez's TOTS card is rated 97, he is 182cm | 6'0" tall, right-footed Uruguay striker (ST) that plays for FC Barcelona in LaLiga Santander with High/Med work rates. His average user review rating is 4.9 out of 5 . He has 4-star weak foot and 3-star skill moves, He does not have a real face in-game. Luis Suárez has 4 special cards with ratings between 89 and 97. He was born on 24-01-1987 and he is now 37 years old.

His real-life stats are currently 12 goals and 5 assists in 16 matches in domestic competition. He also received 2 yellow cards and 0 red cards.

His current price on FUT is 400,000 on PlayStation, 395,000 on Xbox, and 807,000 on PC.

FUTBIN Player Review


Day 1346 of lockdown: On to the next one… the La Liga TOTSSF dropped this past Friday and much like the EPL, we were treated to a wide array of intriguing and useable options.  It did not take me long to pinpoint Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz as my review for this past weekend.  This card on the surface looked absolutely insane and I was hoping that he would perform as advertised… Spoiler Alert *** He did… and then some.  It was obvious early on that HUNTER would be the best chemistry style to bolster Suárez as I placed him into the Right ST in a 4-4-2.  What you will get from this review is an extensive look at the different ways that Suárez breaks down opponents, what you will not get is a bunch of biting jokes, we run a serious business here.  With that in mind, Suárez devoured opponent’s backlines this weekend and left me with the taste for victory in the following squad: 


Rating: 9.7/10
Pace Rating: 9.7/10
Dribbling Rating: 9.9/10
Shooting Rating: 9.9/10
Passing Rating: 9.5/10
Physical Rating: 9.5/10
Defending Rating: N/A

I won’t deny, I had my finger on the trigger for a 9.8/10 for this card but stopped just short after a closer comparison to my FUT Birthday Griezmann review.  The goal returns from these cards were eerily similar, as are my opinions post review.  33 goals and 12 assists in 20 matches speak for itself, but I want to shine some light on El Pistolero’s fantastic weekend performance.  It all starts on the ball as the left-stick dribbling with this card borders on the fanciful.  To be honest the dribbling was the main concern I had coming into this review, with the 3 STAR SKILLS at the forefront of my worries.  In the end, what I experienced was a complete masterclass on the ball all weekend; the 90 AGILITY & 90 BALANCE feels responsive, shifty, and elusive… 96 BALL CONTROL feels like glue… and 97 dribbling doesn’t begin to explain the feeling Suárez has on the ball.  


Linkability Rating: 4/5

This seems to be a growing trend of using players in my squad who have an army of links coming from their club.  Obviously Suárez boasts some of the best teammates in the game and the triangle of de Jong, Griezmann, and Suárez himself was incredibly effective… and we still haven’t mentioned the Argentinian man himself, nor Flashback Vidal.  The list goes on and on and offers some excellent links, as does La Liga post TOTSSF.  The lack of a long list of Uruguayan names does create some hybrid concerns, but overall you should be able to fit Suárez in your squad if you choose.

End Game Strength

End Game Strength Rating: 5/5

Bang on 5/5 with this card and it can be summed up in two words; pace and shooting.  99 ACCELERATION & 97 SPRINT SPEED (my main reason for the HUNTER) come out in full force with this card.  The first touch Suárez takes on the ball is borderline unfair and thankfully he has the pace to social distance from defenders for at least 5 or 6 steps.  While you are not outstripping defenders from half, you do have a nice window closer to the goal to get those important efforts on target.  The effort is maybe not the correct word as Suárez makes finishing look incredibly effortless.  99 rated in all categories save 95 LONG SHOTS, and even those go flying into the back of the net.  This card has akimbo shotguns for feet, with the 4 STAR WEAK FOOT bordering on a solid 5.  The confidence you can have with this card around the goal is worth its weight in coins and provides a lethal threat at the spearhead for any attack.  

Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad 

Value/Coins Rating: 5/5
Good vs Bad Rating: 5/5

1.3 million for this card is a direct result of how far the market has dropped no doubt.  If we are even three weeks ago this card is closer to 1.5 minimum and thankfully now offers an even more affordable weapon.  It is worth noting that when I carry out my reviews I am obviously trying to get the ball to said player to provide a true account of their strengths and weaknesses.  However, if you follow me on Twitter: @IVIaeday – you will have noticed that even with this focus, not one card I have reviewed has outscored FUT Birthday Griezmann playing alongside him… until this weekend.  Suarez was well and clear above Griezmann’s goal total and it is his list of weapons that pulled him along in their race for goals.

Last but not least, I am sat here thinking of one negative I could point out and warn you about.  Yet, all I want to do is go on about the qualities of this card; whether it be the pinpoint passing that led to 12 assists, or the 97 STRENGTH making Suárez an unmovable object on the ball, or even the 92 STAMINA that allows him to operate at high intensity all match.  In the end, the only real issue at all would be the lack of 4 or 5 STAR SKILLS that some hold incredibly high in their squad selections.  This might be a game-changer for some, but if it is not an issue for you then you might have the perfect ST on your hands.

Closing Words

I think this has been about as clear cut a message as I can send.  Suárez is the real deal and if I can get him in my red picks I would be ecstatic.  Honestly, my biggest issue with this card is that between Suárez and Griezmann I cannot imagine a review next weekend where one, or both, are not leading the line for me.  I don’t throw this word out lightly…  Suárez made me have FUN playing this Weekend League.  Difficult gameplay: he scored.  Drop back opponents: he scored.  Possession merchants: you guessed it, he scored.  In closing, this card is a game-changer and maybe the biggest compliment I can suggest is that he reminded me of his FIFA 17 League SBC … if you know, you know.  Honestly, give this card a try, you won’t regret it.  Cheers for reading.

Game Stats:

Game Highlights:

by IVIae, 12-05-2020

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Top Reviews
Just WOW
By FORLAN6, 10-05-2020

as an elite 3 player I have used many strikers so far from prime moments Butra to 94 R9 but this card is different gravy, the ball sticks to his feet and he shoots the ball like no other player.

his movement is class always finding space and making runs. I was sceptical about the skills like many others are but instead using L2 dribbling it almost felt like cheating as hes very very agile but also strong as bull.

  • Movement
  • Strength
  • Pace
  • agility
  • passing
  • Plays for the badge
  • Skills
  • price (but is definitely worth it)
Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 30
GPG: 1.53
APG: 0.40
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (10/10)
The Best Striker
By SpecterWo1f, 13-05-2020

He is the best striker i have ever used in FIFA. I have a catalyst because i felt maximum pace upgrade is important, he is very fast. His dribbling is not clunky at ALL. His dibbling feels very smooth. I replaced him for the striker role for my 94 neymar, and he is MUCH better. His finishing is unbelievable. His passing is great, and same with physical. I sold moments socrates for this card, and i am very happy with my decision. This card is worth so much more than it really is, I feel like i paid for a person where if i tap b, it goes in all the time, and he is very fun. For the amount i paid this card is amazing, and i only have him at 8 chem. I feel like for this price this is an unfair card to have.



Totally amazing

Weak foot

Skill moves, but everything else makes it not a problem!

Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 19
GPG: 1.79
APG: 0.32
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Chewy Suárez devours defences ( Luis Suárez)
By Maneman, 02-06-2020

This card is genuinely mental. It's going to be very hard for me to write a review on him without just spamming the words incredible and insane.

About me - I'm a player who challenges for Elite 3 and Gold 1, and usually achieves these ranks. I'm currently in division 4, which I've dropped to to complete objectives and also to enjoy the game whilst not being able to just smash opponents 10 - 0 without trying. I have good experience with most of the tier 1 top TOTS and icon strikers, so not god tier like Mbappé Bday and R9 PIM, but I've used your TOTS Aguero's, Richarlison, Son, Aubameyang, Benzema and Werner, etc, as well as Dalglish, Butra, etc.. But this card honestly just blows these away.

And no, I'm not writing this review to raise his price, I just tried him after I sold my Son (who I was btw very impressed with but not like this card). I have now sold him but will buy him back after the Ultimate TOTS crash. I also don't love Suárez in real life, so there real is not any preference.

For the price that he's currently at, I can honestly say I am yet to find a striker for less than 1.5/2 million better than El Pistolero.

Getting into the review:

Instructions and set up:

Chewy Suárez led the line of a 4-2-3-1 as a striker behind Ziyech TOTS as a CAM (whose skills compensated for Suárez's brilliantly along with the IF little magic man as a RAM (Leo Messi) and the TIF Senegalese GOAT (Mané man Sadio Mané. Having players behind hm was very useful and bordering on necessary, but you don't need to have a 5* skiller if you don't have one. We used an engine on Chewy.

And it was under this setup that Suárez banged them in in front of the Kop End like he was playing Norwich, bit VVD TOTY like he was Chiellini and scored back heels like every team was Mallorca.

Overall: 9.9:

If this card was 5* 5* he would be the best striker in the game and only R9 PIM could compare. Now I know he's not 5* 5*, but once you realise that his shooting is so insane that his weak foot feels more like a 5* then all we're missing are the skills, which most can get used to. if you can't, then its a shame for you because your going to have to get an Mbappé Birthday or TOTY or R9 to find a same level of striker.

Honestly this cards has everything, absolutely everything, pace over a short distance, broken shooting, an incredible weaker foot, hold up play, supreme passing, balance which amazed me, close control, no clunkiness. When you see his price and how much he's dropping you've got a bargain. F**k that. You've got much more than a bargain. You've got an R9 without skills for 10% of the price.

Pace: 8/10

With the engine, he does have 95 pace, and the acceleration is noticeably better than the sprint speed, but compared to other TOTS cards, he isn't rapid. He's certainly not slow (I'd say he's slightly slower than Richarlison), but he's not as fast as Mbappé and you don't want to be using him as a one sided get-in-behind striker like you do with Jamie Vardy. Once again though, he won't struggle to get in behind, and due to the acceleration he can get in behind over long distances brilliantly, but don't use him to chase down extremely long balls across the whole pitch because a Militia or Konaté may well catch him.

Shooting: 10/10:

Not much to say here. 99 shooting which really does come through. Be it a long shot, inside the box, penalty, near post or finesse, el pistolero will score each and every chance he gets. With his shooting as good as it is, his weak foot is better than most 4 star weak foots - I'd say it is comparable to Son's and slightly worse than Richarlison's. Don't go out of your way to shoot on his weaker side, but if you do he will score it easily. 8 of the 21 he banged in for me were on his left. However, as good as this cards shooting is, he's not limited to being a (just press shoot) striker like I found Richarlison to be.

Passing: 9/10

You can see it with the stats, Suárez's passing stats are absolutely elite for a striker, and compared to other Strikers, his passing is a 10/10. You could easily play him as a central CAM (don't play him on the wing) and his passing would be supreme. Short, long, cross or through ball, you'll struggle to find a pass which Suárez can't make. When you add this to his hold-up abilities and strength, you begin to unlock one of the main roles that Suárez can play- the hold-up man that can then lay it off and so there's no need to have a midfield.

Dribbling: 10/10:

This is where this card goes from 'good for certain people' to lights out insane. I was somewhat worried about Suárez, dribbling and if he would feel clunky. Having used Richarlison, who I found to be a little clunky, I saw that Suárez was an inch taller, weighed more and had the same body type, and this scared me. I feared that Suárez would feel heaving and slow. My biggest fear of the card turned out to be perhaps the key pro.

For a player who is 6 foot tall, Suarez holds an EXTREMELY LOW CENTRE OF GRAVITY in this game, and seems to be much more balanced than Richarlison or Son. It might be the 7 more balance (6 more if you put an engine on both) but Suárez feels like Aguero in terms of balanced. It might also be the 97 STRENGTH and 98 AGRESSION which virtually made it impossible for a defender to knock him of balance. This is the biggest problem I had with Son, the relatively low balance on a 6 foot Striker with extremely low physical meant that I had to constantly dodge defenders or he would just fly of the ball. But when I compared the balance to Richarlison and compared their physique and physicalities I thought Suárez might feel slightly more balanced but not much. I was completely wrong, there is something about this Suárez, beyond his stats which makes him as balanced as Ben Yedder, Messi and co. He seems to constantly be hunched over, in a good, balanced way if this makes sense.

With regards to agility, he feels much more agile than richarlison or a benzema, comparable to son. He obviously doesn't have the lean body type but his 99 AGILITY certainly helps him to feel comparably agile to Ben Yedder and his gang of Mr. Meta's.

He obviously feels silky smooth on the ball as you could imagine, and his turns are very smooth as well

If you're worried about this card's dribbling, I can tell you I was astonished, and not only do you have nothing to be worried about, but it's a key pro.

Defending - N/A / 10:

Scored a header? Nothing else to really say here although he did win the wall back many times with his 97 STRENGTH and 98 AGRESSION.

Physicality: 10/10:

This might be the category which is secretly powering how insane this card is all along. Maybe. We have already talked about how his strength and aggression make him as balanced as a table. But that's just one part to his physicality. The number of attacks which would fail with Son because a defender could just barge him of the ball. Not with Suárez. His physicalities make him a ball magnet and make sure no one can knock him off the ball. But he can also steal the ball of defenders to create seriously dangerous opportunities. So the physicality on this card is more than just 'irrelevant' and 'not meta' on this card; it offers him:

  1. The ability to make him extremely well balanced and not knocked off the ball
  2. The ability to use his hold- up play asset, coupled with his brilliant passing
  3. The ability to steal the ball of defenders and create dangerous opportunities.

In terms of stamina, 99 would have obviously been nice, but he will last the whole game, especially if you use him in the right way.

Weak foot: 4.5/5:

As I said, because of how good his shooting is, Suárez's weak foot feels closer to Son's or Richarlison's (5 star wf strikers) than Aguero's or Aubameyang's (4 star wf strikers). There really is not much of a difference between his two feet.

Skill Moves:3/5:

The biggest, and perhaps only con. There's no way of go glossing this one. How EA classifies a left foot back heel goal as 3 star skills is genuinely confusing but beside the point. Your going to have to suffice with the 3 star skill moves, which do become easier as you get used to it. Because of how good the Berba, Mgeady and scoop spins/ turns are this year, we have forgotten about a lot of other. He can still do heel to heel. We have forgotten about the roulettes which can be very useful, and few players make the most out of even the simple ball roll. You will have no issues with Suárez being able to execute these 3 star skill moves though, as his dribbling stats allow him to keep brilliantly close control and stay balanced.

  • Shooting
  • Weak foot- feels closer to 5 star than 4 star
  • Dribbling (balance astonished me and not clunky at all)
  • Hold up play
  • Physicality (never gets bodied and it stops him from getting knocked off the ball)
  • Passing
  • Goal celebration
  • Running style (he has an awesome animation for taking free kicks)
  • 3 star skills
  • Pace (but he is fast its just he's not adama or Mbappè
Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 9
GPG: 2.33
APG: 0.78
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (1/10)
Physicality (10/10)
El Pistolero
By StinoMaasje, 24-05-2020

So, where do we start...

Last friday, I was searching for a new striker after I sold TOTS Benzema. I liked Benzema, but there was something wrong. Something didn't feel right when using him.

I went on the transfer market and started searching for a striker between 1 to 1.5 mil. I came across players like PIM Stoichkov, but since I had De Jong in my squad I chose TOTS Suarez.

I went straight into the weekend league, throwing Suarez in the deep straiht away.

In game, Suarez looks like your average clunky target man. But playing him says something else. I would describe TOTS Suarez as the perfect mix between strength, agility and finishing. Despite his body type he feels very agile and he can turn pretty quick (not Messi-esque but still quick). His finishing, ab-so-lute-ly deadly. This man bagged 46 goals in 30 champs games. Assisting 9 as well. His positioning is something that stood out to me. He makes different types of runs than your average striker. More intelligent or something. This led to numerous goals I would not have scored with other strikers.

Some other pro's mentioned briefly:

  • His agression makes him usefull chasing down defenders, intercepts a ball every now and then.
  • Scored a few headers with him, which is special because I barely score these chances normally.
  • Actually has some nice passing stats.

The only con for me was the 3 star skill moves. I'm not much of a skiller, but a berbaspin or heel-to-heel flick comes in handy every now and then.

I'm selling him after this weekend, but that is due to the fact that I like using different players every weekend. But it was definately a pleasure having this guy up top!

  • Strength in combination with agility
  • Finishing
  • Game face and tattoos
  • 3 star skills
  • Doesn't actually bite defenders
Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 30
GPG: 1.53
APG: 0.30
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Luis the Goat
By luix05, 19-05-2020

I packed this guy untradebal from my Rivals Rewards out of a 35K Pack. I immediately put him in my team and played Weekendleague with him. He is one of the reason why I reached Gold 2, normally I reach Gold 3 (I´m not the best player). I played him in a 4-2-2-2 as right striker next to Butragueno. With engine, I wanted to push his agility and balance. In 43 matches he has 52 goals and more than 15 assists. I was really happy that I packed him, because he fits perfectly in my team (take a look at the link).

-Shooting (especially finishing)

-Weak foot feels like 5*

-nearly everything

-3* skills

-doesn`t feel very agile

Formation: 4222
Position: ST
Games: 43
GPG: 1.21
APG: 0.35
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Luis the Monster
By Sap9999, 29-05-2020

So recently after watching a lot of youtube videos, reading player reviews I sold my TOTS Carvajal and Gold Neymar to buy this guy , thinking this will be my endgame card. I bought him for 1.16 Mil and ohh god ! what a player he is. Even though I was skeptical before regarding buying him , but after playing with him in rivals and fut champs , I would say he is simply amazing. I don't know , but he always gets the ball , more of like R9, perfect attacking positioning and goal scoring abilities are just wow !!. He scores everything , even though he has no finesse shots trait , he finesses better than prime moments bergkamp(who I sold for him too) and it looks magisterial. This guy is a steal , left foot , right foot , the ball is in the Net !!. I play him alongside gold Messi and ziyech as CAM (my futchamps rewards) and he scores almost everything. I think what enjoyment he gives you in the game is triple the price at what he is for right now. I have used a lot of prime moments icons , but apart from eusebio or r9 , he is the best of them all.

and regarding skill moves , I don't think its much of a necessity for me , I enjoy playing fifa based on the actual gameplay like through balls , crossing , passing , dribbling, one-twos and tactics(and thats what real football is all about, its almost unreal nowadays for a player to do 5* skills and beat 8 defenders/players and score a goal to be honest). Theres a huge diff btw dribbling and skilling to be honest. I do drag backs and Suarez's drag backs is out of the world , I felt similar to moments bergkamp (to be honest) the ball just sticks very close to his feet , so its easier to take the shot.

For info i am div 5 , gold 2 / gold 1 player.

Just go and buy him !! I am sure you won't be disappointed. you will enjoy playing fifa 20.

Finesse shot , shooting , passing , aggression, positioning (God Tier)

it will take 2-3 games to get used to his playing strengths , if you are a skiller or is more inclined to do scoop turns round the box. But when you will get hold of his abilities , you will enjoy fifa again like playing real football on the pitch , where the gameplay is the most enjoying factor for a football fan and a player.

Formation: 41212-2
Position: ST
Games: 19
GPG: 1.89
APG: 0.84
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (10/10)
The Best Striker in FUT
By honestlywtfiseadoing, 11-08-2020

To start this off, I am a Elite player usually and I play in divison 1, this is by far the best striker I have played with this FIFA.

Almost every shot goes in, reflected by his 80+ goal contributions this weekend league. his first touch on the ball is also insane and he will get away from defenders so quickly and with blistering pace. What amazed me the most is how its almost impossible to push this guy off the ball, he feels like an absolute tank running at 99 pace with a hunter and dont even get me started on how agile he feels. with 4 star wf that feels like a 5 star this card fits the meta in every way'

For 400k this guy is a BARGAIN

  • PACE

3 Star skill move

Formation: 4222
Position: ST
Games: 31
GPG: 2.39
APG: 0.58
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Great value for money!
By joBO7, 11-06-2020

I was very lucky in getting Luis Suarez from my LaLiga red player picks from Gold 2 rewards. I was excited to start playing with him. I thought about using an engine or catalyst on him, but I opted for a hunter chemistry style. Partly because I had an untradeable one in my club and his pace and long shots needed boosting. I have used him in every Weekend League since LaLiga TOTSSF. I can't recommend him enough! He scores in every single game I play. He links up with my wide CAMs, TOTSSF Gnabry and Atal very well, and has a great partnership with Mid Eusebio at CAM.

It is best to keep Suarez central. I would recommend you play him in the Striker position. His shooting is lethal off both feet. He can score from almost any angle too. His dribbling and physicality helps him get past most defenders with relative ease, aided by the pace boost from the hunter chemistry style. Sometimes he can feel slightly clunky, but so can the likes of Ronaldo and Lewandowski. As i said, Suarez's pace is good too. However, he struggles when coming up against centre backs with high pace. E.g. Varane, van Dijk, Upamecano, Ramos. Still, I believe he is on par, if not, better than Prime R9!

The main downside to Suarez is that he gets tired very easily. He is effective for the first 60/65 minutes of Weekend League but I always sub him of around the 70th minute mark for Flashback Mertens or TOTSSF Rashford. Skills aren't a big factor in my game but for a lot of people they are, which is why some people are reluctant to buy Suarez because of the 3 star week foot. Believe me, it doesn't matter. With Suarez, you don't need the skills!

Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 227
GPG: 1.13
APG: 0.55
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (10/10)
One of the best around
By Godden98, 26-05-2020

I have used lots of somewhat affordable strikers this year, like David Villa, POTM Werner, CR7 - Players with godd stats and whom perform well in most games. I naturally expected Suarez to be a level up in quality due to his 97 rating. I didn't quite realise how good he'd actually be. Im not much of a skiller. I use dragbacks, the occasional ball roll and maybe a roulette. So the 3 star skills didn't put me off at all. If you are a skiller than avoid this card but if not, this man is worth double or triple his coin value. His pace is good. I used engine on him to increase it slightly, aswell as his agility and balance. He won't out pace the fastest of fullbacks but he will with most centre halves. I played him as a lone striker in 4231, with Coutinho TOTS behind him. I had instructions on Suarez as stay foward and get in behind, and stay foward on Coutihno. Maybe because of these instrcutions is why I got so much joy with Suarez, because he was literally always making amazing runs and being in the right place at the right time. He was pretty much a poacher, and his 4* weak foot feels like 5* from close range. Although most of his goals were poacher goals, this man from outside the box is a weapon. Iv'e honestly not used a single player like him. I was confident he was going to score with almost every shot. After two weekend leagues using him, gettting a poor overally win tally of 18 and 17 wins respectively, I can safely say without Suarez it would have been much lower. His dribbling is incredible. He's not meta on paper realistcally but he feels like it 100%, and because of his strength and aggression, when defenders would usually push the smaller weaker meta players off the ball, Suarez will look the defender in the eye, bite him on te nose, and proceed to push past and score goals. Iv'e now played 69 games with Suarez scoring 93 goals and racking up 26 assists. Pretty incredible for a lone striker. Must buy, and easily the best striker i have used this year.

Shooting. Close & Long Range

Dribbling - feels meta

4* weak foot feels like 5*

Incredible physicality

Good passing

Amazing runs and movement

Not the fastest striker but still very quick

Skill moves

Poor nation links

Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 69
GPG: 1.35
APG: 0.38
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (10/10)
OMG!!! What a card!!
By Hellrizen, 18-05-2020

This is an amazing card and it only costs 1.2m because he has 3* skills. If he had 4* skill moves or higher this would have cost 2m+ for sure. But enough with the price evaluation and its time to talk about its best attributes and what make me say OMG when i first used him. He can score from anywhere, inside the box? Check!! Outside the box?? Check!! Finesse?? Check!! Low Drivens, power shoots, volleys? CHECK!!! His passing is perfect, his agility and balance more than enough and because i am not a pace whore and i dont care if my ST has 91 pace instead of 99 i find his pace very very good and more than enough. His physical presence is noticeable as well. As i mentioned above, the only thing that kills this card is the 3 stars skill moves but i don't bother, i have 3 other cams with 4 and 5 star skill moves to play with my opponent and make room for this guy to get into the box, pass it to him and score with ease.

Pace is enough






3 stars skill moves

Jumping is not great but come on, who is using crosses in this fifa as his attacking playing style??

Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 47
GPG: 1.26
APG: 0.51
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (8/10)
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