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ICON Gullit (86) Review

By IVIae
14-Jan-21 08:29


I sat staring at my Base/Mid ICON pack and I found myself reflecting on the amount of grinding that went into it.  The numerous silver packs opened to get the remaining two silver French first owned players (with a keeper starting at striker); the heroes without capes honoring the golden goal gentleman’s agreement in Friendlies; the time spent staring at the AI strikers, staring at my keeper,  who was staring at the ball.  It was at this moment that I realized that a poor pack pull would crush me.  *Click* and the animation begins… Netherlands (wait this is going to be good?) … CM (no way, I can’t help it, my mind immediately pictures 90 Gullit)  … 86 Base ICON Ruud Gullit.  Honestly, I can’t really describe the exact emotion that I felt at that moment as I asked myself the classic W or L question.  Certainly, a million coin card is a huge W… but why did I feel so let down?  Obviously greed and being spoilt for options is a big part of it, but it was more than that.  86 Gullit has always been a card that in past FIFAs I have chalked up to be too expensive due to the insane hype around his other versions, and now here I was faced with the opportunity to actually try the card for my first time in any FIFA and see for myself.  It was obvious that Gullit would take the place of a CM in my 4-4-2 this weekend and I played him about 50/50 in the more defensive and attacking role.  The SHADOW/HUNTER (I switched his CM position after 10 matches) chemistry styles were applied and Gullit was off to the races, providing the strength and power all weekend in the following squad:   

Starting Formation:

In-game Formation:



Rating: 8.5/10
Pace Rating: 8/10
Dribbling Rating: 8/10
Shooting Rating: 9/10
Passing Rating: 9/10
Physical Rating: 9.5/10
Defending Rating: 9.5/10

I flip-flopped about 15 times between an 8.5 and a 9 out of 10 for this overall and honestly, I could probably be persuaded either way in a debate.  The card has some crazy upsides that I have not witnessed very often in FIFA 21… but at the same time is lacking in too many key areas to dominate and take over a match.  In the end, I went for the 8.5/10 because there were too many times when looking to my bench to Freeze Aouar in attack or RTTF Atal/Moments Ox in defense just seemed like the better option to get me over the line in close matches.  Time and time again I subbed Gullit out .. mostly for the 78 STAMINA which is quite poor… but more so because he just isn’t quite at the level the current cards demand to compete.  Here is the breakdown...


Main Statistic – Physical

Physical Rating: 9.5/10
Height: 191cm | 6’3
Trait: Power Header

Having just had a go at his stamina I should explain that I considered this deficiency in my rating and is truly the only reason I didn’t go full 10/10.  This card might have flaws, but being bullied is certainly not one of them.  This card is well and truly a juggernaut in the center of the pitch, winning headers, winning tackles, holding up play and driving forward on the ball.  82 STRENGTH feels like 110 with this card and this year I can only think of VVD as a player I have used who feels this strong in-game.   


Main Attribute - 5 Star Weak Foot

Shooting Rating: 9/10
Weak Foot: * * * * *

For how low the Shooting statistics are with this card you would expect a poor level of quality.  True, the 5 STAR WEAK FOOT is going to be a huge factor, but everything looks bang average and even below average with this card offensive statistics.  This leads me to believe that the only explanation is some hidden ICON statistics that we have all experienced before in various players… either that or I just got lucky with the results.  You will notice that we used two pictures for this review.  The 18 matches I played previously were actually as a center back when I was trying to complete some objectives, while the 38 match photo shows the results after the 20 match review.  6 goals in the 10 matches as the attacking CM is a quality return in my mind and speaks to the clinical nature with this card despite only 86 FINISHING.


Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad 

Value/Coins Rating: 4/5 
Good vs Bad Rating: 4/5

1.2 million is simply too much for this card.  While I will touch on the deficiencies in the Good vs Bad section it ultimately comes down to trust.  I just could not trust Gullit to be the difference maker in my squad in key moments throughout the weekend.  Whether it was important matches or important situations it was never Gullit rising to the occasion.  The 8.5/10 overall depicts that card perfectly in this sense… Gullit is a steady eddy that you can trust to do a job every match, but that is all he does, never exceeding expectations or taking matches over when he is needed.  

A legend once referred to 90 Gullit as Superman… and unfortunately 86 Gullit has been hindered by the biggest kryptonite in FIFA 21 … a lack of pace.  With 87 ACCELERATION & 92 SPRINT SPEED, I thought his card was going to be just fine, but the result was very lackluster.  Mix this issue with the lack of movement in the 74 AGILITY & 78 BALANCE and it makes for an extremely clunky card.  “Lumbering around” is how I would describe it and it truly sucks the life out of this card's quality. It is sad because there really is a ton of potential with this version of Gullit.  The size again is so key to the defending and as my Defensive CM, it was a nightmare to get around him when he was parked in the center of the pitch.  94 STANDING tackle wrecks anyone that comes in contact with Gullit and then he is able to play out of these situations and into the counter-attack with his 85 SHORT & 87 LONG PASSING statistics.


Closing Words

Having watched streamer after streamer opens up their own and viewer’s packs I know that I was lucky.  There are a ton of 85 Ashley Cole(s) floating around out there and doing all of that work for that reward would be depressing as anything. However, I do not truly believe that this Gullit should be priced in the bracket he is and 800-900k feels more appropriate. In the end, I feel like you are paying a “Gullit Tax” with this one as the name drags you in with promises of Weekend League domination.  While Gullit was not a bad option and was able to physically impose himself on my opponents all weekend, the issues still run deep and I would pass on this version of Gullit at this price tag.  The card is just too sluggish, the midfield too big, and his dreads just too small.  Hoping you are safe and well.  Cheers for reading


Game Stats:

Pre Weekend League (played as CB):

Post Weekend League:



Game Highlights:


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